Tuesday 23 July 2013

Whole School Awards and Leaver's Service

This Service was dedicated to Archie Hall who would have been a Y6 Leaver had he lived.

We had a fabulous afternoon - the Y6's asked if they could do something different and they certainly did!  We flew with Marston Air and the whole service was hilarious - demonstrating how grown up they all are.  It will be a difficult act to follow next year.

The Chair of Governors, Helen Walton helped me to present the awards and Reverend Lilian presented all the Y6's with personalised Bibles - a gift from the church.

Year Group Progress Award Winners were:
Reception - Holly Walker for great academic progress this year and also for conquering her fear of swimming;
Year 1 - A joint award for Alex Van-Tam and Jake Jeffery - a great double act as Mrs Sutcliffe said!
Year 2 - Another joint award for Nathan Bravo (for settling down to serious work this year) and Matthew Ross for not being phased by being a Year 2 and attempting to answer Y4 maths questions and very often getting them correct!);
Year 3 - Tyler Wright for working hard, making good progress and being a fantastic role model to everyone in the class;
Year 4 - Conor Dunbar for his creative writing which is a pleasure to mark and for his excellent art work;
Year 5 - Veranika Bravo for trying her very best, for handing in every piece of homework and for being a great role model;
Year 6 - Sam Tattersall for making the most sub level progress in Y6

Every one of these awards is well deserved and we are all proud of the children.

Headteacher's ACE (Attitude, Conduct, Effort) Award - Amelia Peters (Y6) - she excels in everything she does and we could have given her any of the awards!

Governor's Award - Isaac Carley (Y6) for being cheerful and smiling, trying hard, supportive of others and being a caring big brother;

Sportsperson Award - Sam Wright  (Y6) for being in every school team and being the best runner we have ever seen!

Musician Award - Veranika Bravo (Y5) - trying hard although she doesn't find it easy and for getting over her 'wobble' at the recent music concert and performing a solo in front of a large audience;

Exemplary Behaviour Award - Matthew Jagger (Y6) - no loss of Golden Time in two years, excellent behaviour at all times;

Empathy and Helpfulness Award - Amy Rimmer (Y4) - for being a great diplomat 'pouring oil over troubled waters' as Mrs Kearsley said and for regularly asking myself and Mrs Kearsley if there was anything she could do to help us.  This wasn't to get a raffle ticket or housepoint, it was a genuine request showing concern for us;

Children's Choice - Oliver Howgill (Y6) for being kind to others, helping others and encouraging others.

Photos to follow!

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