Saturday 31 May 2014

Row, Row, Row the Boat....

Who says Y6s are too old to have fun?  As part of our school improvement plan - improving the outside environment we have our new raised beds ready for filling.  All ages are using them as areas to play in - give a child a toy or a box and they play with the box!

Saturday 24 May 2014

RE Week - The Perfect World

We have had a fabulous week!  As a whole school we created 'The Wheel of Life' - our interpretation of the seven days of creation.  Everyone contributed and the end result is fabulous - even if we say so ourselves!

Every class visited the churchyard and see the class blogs for more information on this. 
As part of this special week and our school improvement plans to improve our outside environment we engaged an artist to help us create a clay wall sculpture.  The first stage was making the tiles.  Class 1's theme was 'The Perfect World', Class 2's theme was 'The World we have now' and Class 3's theme was 'The Way Forward'.
Richard from Claydayz demonstrating techniques
Just beginning!

Really need to concentrate!
Watch this space for the end result!
To finish the week we held a sharing assembly.  Our assemblies all week have been fabulous - Mrs Sutcliffe's concentrating on food waste and people starving, The Year 5's told us all about pollution, Mrs Kearsley led us in singing songs of creation.
Class 2 performing their interpretations of music for each day of the creation - beautiful!
Class 1 performing their animal dance - brilliant!
To finish off the celebratory week, Mrs Ballaam was presented with a long service award - saying thank you for working at our school for 20 years!  A big thank you Mrs Ballaam!!!
So did the week meet our objectives of raising the children's awareness of The Creation, the problems the world faces, the fact that these problems are caused by us, and to demonstrate all this through visit, visitors, art, dance, music, role play and teamwork?  An outstanding YES!


Thursday 8 May 2014

Tour de SK

Tour de France will start in England this year - in Yorkshire to be precise and our sports partnership Inspire+ have decided to hold a Tour de SK!

Jessamy and Amy (our Sports ambassadors) taking the whole school assembly with Chris Graves a representative from Inspire +
Jessamy trying her time trial for the Tour de SK!
Commonwealth Games handover from the Young Sports Ambassadors from Barkston school.