Saturday 6 October 2012

House Captains and Vice Captains

Last week was a big week for the Year 6 children.  The week that all the school selected the house and vice captains for their houses.  In preparation for this the Year 6 children had to prepare a speech saying why they should be house (or vice) captains and why people should vote for them.  This was then presented at whole school assembly.

Because we have 17 children in Year 6 this year we had to stress that there would some disappointed children but that there would always be other ways to get involved (school council, office monitors, Class 1 buddies, play leaders, and many more).

Our house captains - chosen by children and staff are: Oliver Howgill, Amelia Peters, Kesri Barber and Matthew Jagger.

Our vice captains are: Anthony Bravo, Pippa Jessop, Maddy Faulkner and Sam Wright.

Here's to another good year for all the groups!

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