Friday, 24 June 2016

Celebrations 24.6.2016

Busy week!

Class 1 special bears - Daniel (Y1) for a great improvement in his reading; Tasha (Y2) for super writing about the visit to Southwell Minster and comparing it to our church; Brooke (Y2) for always helping and volunteering; India (Y2) for super writing about the visit to Southwell Minster and comparing it to our church.

Class 2 - George (Y4) for great maths investigation work; Dean  and Mathilda (Y3) for continuing his maths investigation work during his lunchtime; Maddie (Y4) for great maths investigation work.

Sasha, Elsie and Dean (Y3) for brilliant writing about the start of the universe - linked to Andy Stanton's book.

Riley (Y5), Casper (Y6), Ben (Y5), Carise and Tasha (Y2) - for representing the school in the local small school sports event - specific races

Everyone who represented the school at the small school sports event - general events

Our Kwik Cricket team - they came 6th out of 12 and 2nd in their league!  See Mrs Chadwick's blog for more information!

Class 3 summer term Dojo winners.

Excellent week everyone - keep it up!