What a busy week! Y6 and Y2 SATs plus testing for Y5's. Best comment this week from Joseph in Y6 - 'Oh, I forgot it was SATs'. Proving that we DON'T put the children under undue pressure and rather we encourage them to do their best and 'SHINE'!
I took the whole of KS2 for rounders on Monday afternoon last week and Emma Ross (Matthew and Benji's mum) could hear us cheering and yelling whilst she was hanging her washing out and she lives some way from the school! We had a fabulous time and the return match is on Wednesday afternoon!
Nathan, Rueben and Jake (all Y5) were awarded a rosette for their team work during the afternoon! Can't wait for Wednesday!!!
Year 5 for pulling together all week and working very hard without Mrs Chadwick. They met the challenge I set for them at the beginning of the week.
I am so proud of you and thank you!
Year 6 - for rising to the challenge of their SATs week and 'SHINING'
I am so proud of each and every one of you!!!
Jake (Y4) for meeting his target of improved participation in class discussions, Alex (Y4) for his exemplary spelling folder, Holly (Y6) for being independent in her learning - just in time for secondary school and Nathan (Y5) for greatly improved art work and being independent in this. Brilliant of all of you!
Reception - Joshua, Jack C, India, Wilfy and Tom - all for good writing about 'The Hungry Caterpillar'. You could all tell me what The Hungry Caterpillar liked to eat!
A brilliant week which could have been stressful in many ways but wasn't and I am blown away by everyone - children and staff pulling together this testing week.
Thank you!