Saturday, 30 April 2016

Celebrations 29.4.2016

Some more good work this week - well done everyone!  This goes to those who were awarded a raffle ticket which was entered into our prize draw and didn't win - it's the fact that you got a raffle ticket in the first place which matters!

Harry (Y2), for volunteering to help Mrs Barnes sort out the tangled 'catch cups' that we use in our 'Craze of the Week' playtimes.

Luca Y4, for encouraging and supporting others in class; Elise Y5, for excellent work in Geography; Ellen Y5, for super comprehension work and Hollie Y5 for working independently.  All showing that they are ready for Y6!  

Isabelle Y2, for super composition work in music; Gracie Y4 for great multiplication using the formal method; Daniel and William Y3, for excellent handwriting 

Thanks everyone for trying so hard!

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Celebrations 22.4.2016

A very positive start to the new term!

Class 3 Dojo winners (rewards) for last term in order from right to left and bottom row first.
Elise, Jacob, Nathan, Matthew, Rory, Darcy, Ellen, Ben and Adam.  It's great to see new children in the list!

Our Tag Rugby team!  They did extremely well - 7th out of 11 and for a lot of the children this was the first time they had played!  Please see Mrs Chadwick's PE Blog for more information. 
Brilliant effort Team!

Class 1 - children who achieved 100% in Term 4 phonics test - either in sight, sight and sound or everything!

Adam - for being a natural rugby player - even though he prefers football!