Saturday, 23 May 2015
Enterprise Week
The last week of term was the whole school's Enterprise week. We had to learn about the world of work, making a profit, costing our projects, giving service to our customers, etc. - the list is endless! Each class did different things and please see each class blog for photos and more information. I gave each £50 as a start up cost.
The week culminated in a whole school mixed market from 3pm to 4pm where we sold our wares.
Class 1 made shortbread and lemon drizzle cake (I speak from experience that they were beautiful and tasty!) and they potted plants and vegetables to sell. They are still counting their profits!
Class 2 operated a hand car washing service and PitStop café. A profit of £311 was raised!
Class 3 worked in groups to produce different things from cakes to calendars to recipe books to making pancakes and handmade mini cushions and selling plants. They raised £538 profit!
Thank you parents for supporting us in this - it was a fabulous week but we couldn't have done it without your support (and cash!).
Jan Marshall
Friday, 22 May 2015
Celebrations 22.5.2015
Last celebrations assembly this term! We have all worked really hard and are looking forward to a week off
Ben (Y3), Nathan (Y4), Elise (Y4) and Rueben (Y4) all attended the Change for Life festival at Grantham Meres sports centre on Wednesday afternoon. This worked in different teams with other schools and tried out all sorts of new activities which they all enjoyed. They each received a certificate and a medal for taking part. Hannah (Y4) also attended but was not in school for the photograph.
As part of Enterprise week Class 2 have been washing cars!
See the next blog for further information.
Hollie, Kayley, Isabelle, Riley (all Y4), Arthur, Joshua and Ben (all Y3) were our team leaders and did a really excellent job!
Our raffle ticket winners this week who all got to choose a prize from Mrs Marshall's Frog Box! India (Y1) for getting Mrs Sutcliffe's cutlery at lunch, Ellen (Y4) for helping Mrs K-B with recorders and Serena (Y6) for being kind to another child.
Well done everyone!!!
Celebrations Friday 15.5.2015
Our certificate winners this week:
Daniel (YR) Henry (YR) and Tasha (Y1)
I'm not sure what they were looking at!
Monday, 4 May 2015
First Aid Club
Mrs Dunbar (Conor and Rory's mum) is delivering a First Aid club to Y4, Y5 and Y6 children.
They are learning all the basics and next week they learn about resuscitation using our resuscitation doll.
An overview of what they are learning - burns, choking, cuts, road accident and electrocution amongst others!
Recovery positions and checking they are still breathing
Asking for advice - always important!
More photos to follow!
Friday, 1 May 2015
Celebrations Winners 1.5.2015
At out celebrations assembly this week we discussed May Day traditions and we celebrated the achievements of:
Sasha (Y2) and Hannah (Y4) who both were awarded 3 certificates!
Sasha - for swimming 10 metres, for getting 30 out 30 in the 'Big 30' times table test and for excellent work in learning his times tables.
Hannah - for swimming 200 metres, for excellent writing in our 'Water' topic and for working very hard at learning her times tables!
Brooke (Y1), Olivia (YR) and Zack (Y2)
Brooke for always being helpful, Olivia for having excellent manners and Zack for
learning his 7 times tables!
Leon (Y6), Jacob (Y5) and Isabella (Y6)
Leon and Isabella - for improving their presentation - just in time for moving on to
secondary school!
Jacob for sharing with his class the fact that he has cystic fibrosis and showing a YouTube video about what this means and how it affects him.
Congratulations to all of the raffle ticket winners - all for doing things for others
without being asked.
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